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Compiz on Arch Linux

The Compiz packages are currently in the Arch User Repository. Tools like yaourt can make installing these a lot easier. But the following information and script should also yield a basic working Compiz window manager.

Dependency tree

The following tree shows the dependencies between the Compiz packages. Every package depends on the nodes in the tree above it.

Install script



set -e

work_dir="compiz-install-$(date -I)"

if [[ -d "$work_dir" ]]
        echo "$work_dir already exists, exiting"
        exit 1

mkdir $work_dir
cd $work_dir

packages=("compiz-core" "libcompizconfig" "compizconfig-python" "ccsm" "compiz-bcop" "compiz-fusion-plugins-main" "compiz-fusion-plugins-extra")

for package in "${packages[@]}"
        wget "https://aur.archlinux.org/cgit/aur.git/snapshot/$package.tar.gz"
        tar -xf "$package.tar.gz"
        cd $package
        makepkg -si
        cd ..



Replace or add the exec line in ~/.xinitrc to have Compiz run as a standalone window manager.

exec compiz ccp

The above will yield a black screen with a mouse cursor. I generally combine it with the delayed start of a terminal emulator, ending up with:

sleep 1 && tilda &
exec compiz ccp